Lagune Transit Abidjan

We develop solutions that meet your needs

Our Solutions

Our Organization

Lagune Transit Abidjan is a company born in 1991 and specializes in Transit, Handling, Shipping, Transport, and Storage.

Deployed in Abidjan and San-Pedro, LTA employs more than 200 people. It has been able to organize itself gradually and integrate itself to the new requirements of international trade by diversifying its activities with a very attractive investment portfolio. Today, its goal is to make global logistics a development channel for its partners.

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Discover our Services


Specializing in transit, the LTA plays an interface role between customs services, national, and international economic agents (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger).

Handling & Shipping

Composed of dynamic and qualified men, our handling department works 24 hours a day in strict compliance with FEDERMA and SEMPA rules.


We transport your goods and containers to your companies, workplaces and other places, as indicated to us by you, with speed and efficiency.


Lagune Transit Abidjan has large capacity stores, under customs and outside the port, as well as in strategic areas of the city of Abidjan.

LTA in Figures

0 years





Stockage Space


Transport Machines